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- # Copyright (C) 1991, 1992, 1993 Aladdin Enterprises. All rights reserved.
- #
- # This file is part of Ghostscript.
- #
- # Ghostscript is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
- # WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY. No author or distributor accepts responsibility
- # to anyone for the consequences of using it or for whether it serves any
- # particular purpose or works at all, unless he says so in writing. Refer
- # to the Ghostscript General Public License for full details.
- #
- # Everyone is granted permission to copy, modify and redistribute
- # Ghostscript, but only under the conditions described in the Ghostscript
- # General Public License. A copy of this license is supposed to have been
- # given to you along with Ghostscript so you can know your rights and
- # responsibilities. It should be in a file named COPYING. Among other
- # things, the copyright notice and this notice must be preserved on all
- # copies.
- # Auxiliary MS-DOS makefile for maintenance operations.
- # This file pertains to Aladdin Enterprises maintenance operations,
- # and is unlikely to be useful to users.
- # Targets:
- # xmit -- make the .BE files for Kermit transmission
- # xfonts -- make the .BE files for the fonts
- # xfer -- make a diskette for transferring files to the Sun
- # release -- make the .BE files for a release
- # Remember to erase *.zip / *.z / *.be, if needed, before running these.
- # ---------------- Convert Windows icons ----------------
- gsgraph.icx: gsgraph.uue
- eadcode / gsgraph.uue gsgraph.ico
- od -o gsgraph.icx -H gsgraph.ico
- gstext.icx: gstext.uue
- eadcode / gstext.uue gstext.ico
- od -o gstext.icx -H gstext.ico
- # ---------------- Make files for Kermit transmission ----------------
- TARS=tar1.be tar2.be
- FILES1=*.1 gs*.bat bdftops.bat font2c.bat ps2*.bat *.doc
- FILES2=*.ps fontmap.* copying news readme bdftops font2c ps2*.
- RM_FILES=c_*.* q* q*.* t.* comp1.*
- SRC10=\rm.bat \cp.bat \mv.bat
- SRC11=g*.asm i*.asm ansi2knr.c echogs.c ega.c turboc.cfg gs*.def
- SRC12=*.icx gs*.rc *.h *.mak *.sh *.tr tar_*. ugly*.* gs*. ccgs
- RM_SRC11=arch.h c_*.* gconfig*.h n*.h n*.mak l*.tr o*.tr
- RM_SRC12=ugly*.bdf q* q*.* t.* comp1.* _temp*.*
- SRC2=g*.c i*.c s*.c z*.c
- xmit: $(TARS)
- xexe: tar0.be
- xfonts: tar8.be
- xfer: tar1.z tar2.z
- @echo ---------------- Insert diskette:
- @command /c pause
- xcopy tar_x.* a:
- xcopy tar*.z a:
- release: xmit xexe
- # The dependency lists for the .be files should be much longer!
- .z.be:
- bed $*.z $*.be
- erase $*.z
- .taz.be:
- bed $*.taz $*.be
- erase $*.taz
- gs-tests.taz:
- cd \gs\test
- tar -b1 -cf \gs\_temp_.tar *.ps
- cd \gs
- gzip _temp_.tar
- if exist gs-tests.taz erase gs-tests.taz
- rename _temp_.taz gs-tests.taz
- # We don't make tar0.z a dependent of gs.exe, because that forces
- # rebuilding of gs.exe if we've switched configurations recently.
- tar0.z:
- @if not exist gs.exe echo gs.exe does not exist, do you want to proceed?
- @if not exist gs.exe pause
- @if not exist gs386.exe echo gs386.exe does not exist, do you want to proceed?
- @if not exist gs386.exe pause
- @if not exist gswin.exe echo gswin.exe does not exist, do you want to proceed?
- @if not exist gswin.exe pause
- tar -b1 -cf _temp_.tar -uexe -uico -ures gs*.exe gs*.ico gs*.res
- gzip _temp_.tar
- if exist tar0.z erase tar0.z
- rename _temp_.taz tar0.z
- STAGING=\gs\master\staging
- tar1.z:
- erase $(STAGING)\*.* <\y
- for %f in ($(FILES1)) do xcopy %f $(STAGING)
- for %f in ($(FILES2)) do xcopy %f $(STAGING)
- for %f in ($(SRC10)) do xcopy %f $(STAGING)
- for %f in ($(SRC11)) do xcopy %f $(STAGING)
- for %f in ($(SRC12)) do xcopy %f $(STAGING)
- cd $(STAGING)
- rm $(RM_FILES)
- xcopy \gs\quit.ps
- rm $(RM_SRC11)
- rm $(RM_SRC12)
- copy fontmap.gs fontmap
- tar -b1 -cf \gs\_temp_.tar -ubat -udef *.*
- erase $(STAGING)\*.* <\y
- cd \gs
- gzip _temp_.tar
- if exist tar1.z erase tar1.z
- rename _temp_.taz tar1.z
- tar2.z: gs.c
- tar -b1 -cf _temp_.tar g*.c i*.c s*.c z*.c
- gzip _temp_.tar
- if exist tar2.z erase tar2.z
- rename _temp_.taz tar2.z
- tar8.z: fonts\bchr.gsf fonts\hrsy_r.gsf
- tar -b1 -cf _temp_.tar fonts/*.gsf
- gzip _temp_.tar
- if exist tar8.z erase tar8.z
- rename _temp_.taz tar8.z
- # ---------------- Make MS-DOS diskette sets ----------------
- allzips: gsexe.zip gsfiles.zip gssrc1.zip gssrc2.zip \
- gsfonts1.zip gsfonts2.zip gsfonts3.zip gsfonts4.zip
- @echo ---------------- Done. ----------------
- srczips: gsfiles.zip gssrc1.zip gssrc2.zip
- @echo ---------------- Done. ----------------
- zips: gsexe.zip gsfiles.zip gssrc1.zip gssrc2.zip
- @echo ---------------- Done. ----------------
- # Here are the ZIP files that go onto the diskettes.
- # We don't make gsexe.zip a dependent of gs.exe, because that forces
- # rebuilding of gs.exe if we've switched configurations recently.
- gsexe.zip:
- @if not exist gs.exe echo gs.exe does not exist, do you want to proceed?
- @if not exist gs.exe pause
- @if not exist gs386.exe echo gs386.exe does not exist, do you want to proceed?
- @if not exist gs386.exe pause
- @if not exist gswin.exe echo gswin.exe does not exist, do you want to proceed?
- @if not exist gswin.exe pause
- if exist _temp_.zip erase _temp_.zip
- pkzip _temp_.zip gs*.exe
- if exist gs386.exe pkzip -a _temp_.zip \watc\bin\dos4gw.exe
- if exist gswin.exe pkzip -a _temp_.zip \windows\system\shell.dll \windows\system\commdlg.dll gs*.ico gs*.res
- if exist gsexe.zip erase gsexe.zip
- rename _temp_.zip gsexe.zip
- gsfiles.zip: bdftops.bat
- if exist _temp_.zip erase _temp_.zip
- pkzip _temp_.zip $(FILES1)
- pkzip -a _temp_.zip $(FILES2)
- pkzip -d _temp_.zip $(RM_FILES)
- pkzip -a _temp_.zip quit.ps
- if exist gsfiles.zip erase gsfiles.zip
- rename _temp_.zip gsfiles.zip
- gssrc1.zip: ansi2knr.c
- if exist _temp_.zip erase _temp_.zip
- pkzip _temp_.zip $(SRC10)
- pkzip -a _temp_.zip $(SRC11)
- pkzip -a _temp_.zip $(SRC12)
- pkzip -d _temp_.zip $(RM_SRC11)
- pkzip -d _temp_.zip $(RM_SRC12)
- if exist gssrc1.zip erase gssrc1.zip
- rename _temp_.zip gssrc1.zip
- gssrc2.zip: gs.c
- if exist _temp_.zip erase _temp_.zip
- pkzip _temp_.zip $(SRC2)
- if exist gssrc2.zip erase gssrc2.zip
- rename _temp_.zip gssrc2.zip
- gsfonts1.zip: fonts\phvr.gsf fonts\pncr.gsf fonts\pplr.gsf
- if exist _temp_.zip erase _temp_.zip
- pkzip _temp_.zip fonts\ph*.* fonts\pn*.* fonts\pp*.*
- if exist gsfonts1.zip erase gsfonts1.zip
- rename _temp_.zip gsfonts1.zip
- gsfonts2.zip: fonts\bchr.gsf fonts\cyr.gsf fonts\pagk.gsf fonts\pbkd.gsf
- if exist _temp_.zip erase _temp_.zip
- pkzip _temp_.zip fonts\b*.* fonts\cy*.* fonts\pa*.* fonts\pb*.*
- if exist gsfonts2.zip erase gsfonts2.zip
- rename _temp_.zip gsfonts2.zip
- gsfonts3.zip: fonts\psyr.gsf fonts\ptmr.gsf fonts\pzdr.gsf fonts\zcr.gsf
- if exist _temp_.zip erase _temp_.zip
- pkzip _temp_.zip fonts\ps*.* fonts\pt*.* fonts\pz*.* fonts\z*.*
- if exist gsfonts3.zip erase gsfonts3.zip
- rename _temp_.zip gsfonts3.zip
- gsfonts4.zip: fonts\ncrr.gsf fonts\putr.gsf fonts\hrsy_r.gsf fonts\u004006t.gsf
- if exist _temp_.zip erase _temp_.zip
- pkzip _temp_.zip fonts\n*.gsf fonts\pu*.* fonts\h*.gsf fonts\u*.gsf
- if exist gsfonts4.zip erase gsfonts4.zip
- rename _temp_.zip gsfonts4.zip